Monthly Archives: December 2015
So this is Christmas.. {Family Photography – Chico, California}
We are thankful for a really easy and relaxed Christmas. Most of our family lives in town (Gary was born and raised here in Chico and I was all over the place but somehow most of us are here) so we just went from house to house as usual and enjoyed other people cooking for us.View full post »
December Backyard Shots {Family Photography – Chico, California}
A few weeks ago I decided to get my camera out to get some shots of my boys in the backyard. Considering our backyard is a bit of a disaster and still under construction (it’s a very… very… long term project) my boys’ noses are constantly running at this time of year, and I’m constantly taking objects out of my one year old’s mouth, I liked the way a few turned out so I thought I’d share.View full post »
We spend a lot of time in this field… {Family Photography – Chico, California}
The light was just way to amazing not to bring the camera out to our fetch session and at least try for some photos. Also, I accidentally dressed the boys in somewhat matching outfits so it was meant to be. And all the pointing… well that’s what happens when airplanes keep flying over young boys. My oldest doesn’t understand why I would rather take photos of him than the awesome airplanes.View full post »
Mini Hike {Family Photography – Chico, California}
We spent our Saturday morning with our boys and pup in Upper Bidwell. Thought we’d take our camera along since it was a nice cloudy morning.View full post »